Call for Food and Beverage Manufacturers

Partner with GhostLabel to Expand Your Business

We are looking for food and beverage manufacturers who want to increase their production capacity, improve efficiency, and expand their distribution channels. At GhostLabel, we source clients interested in making custom food and beverage products, and provide project management tools for manufacturers and clients alike.

Partnering with us can help you save time, reduce costs, and scale your operations. We work with both large and small companies, and are committed to providing personalized service and support.

High Priority Manufacturing Areas:

  • Plant Based Meat Alternatives
  • With priority around the following capabilities:
    • Extrusion
    • Blending of meat and plant based proteins
    • Forming and freezing patties
    • Short & long term frozen storage
  • Sauces and Condiments
  • With priority around the following:
    • Hot sauces
    • Dry seasoning blends
    • Tomato based sauces
  • Coffee Products
  • Tea Products
Its free to sign up, and our staff is available to assist with your on-boarding.

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